Application Form

In order to apply, please complete and send (clicking on COMPLETE) the following form. You will receive an email confirming your application.

After that please transfer the annual fee (70 euros or 60 euros for over age 70) to COMO INTERNATIONAL CLUB via a bank transfer to the following IBAN IT48P0623010920000047810829.

Credit Agricole SWIFT CRPPIT2P321

Via Pietro Boldoni 1, Como Italy

After we have received the form and the bank transfer we will check your application and confirm you by email your proper registration.

As an alternative you can come at the coffee morning and pay cash.

    Complete the Form

    I give permission to use photographs of myself for the purpose of the club including on the club’s website and social medias.

    Como International Club associazione non riconosciuta does not accept any responsibility for injury or damage to members partecipating in club suggested events.

    Would you like to receive emails regarding the Club's activities?

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