Letter from the President: June 2022

Dear Members,

Elena Markova Como International ClubAnother CIC’s season is about to conclude. For the board, it is a very special time – time to say goodbye to our duties that we carried with dedication and commitment for a long three years! Our board definitely set a precedent in the club’s history. Due to the covid, lockdowns and restrictions, we carried the club for an extended period without elections. Finally, this month we can organize a vote, we already have extraordinary candidates for the new board, and it makes us delighted! We will pass the governance into capable hands! If someone wants to join the board, please do not hesitate to let us know before June 7th. You still have time to join!

As it’s my last letter in the role of the President, I would like to share with you a summary of our contribution to the club during our cadence:

●  The club’s membership increased by 30%;

●  We organized 120 events;

●  We managed 25 virtual events;

●  We updated the club’s visual identity and logo;

●  We created & developed the Instagram page for the club;

●  We shared about 500 posts on social media;

●  We organized 2 Charity campaigns.

But the most precious result of our work is the outcome of new friendships, meetings and networking! It is what we stove for and value mainly!

Few important events are left out in this season: on June 8th, we will have a Coffee Morning (hopefully without rain this time ). At the same meeting, we will hold the election of the new board (do not miss it!).

On June 12th we will have our traditional Summer Party to have a final hug before the summer break with an exchange of wishes for the best summer holidays ahead of us.

Thank you for supporting our initiatives and ideas and being a part of our CIC’s community!

See you soon!

Kind regards,

Elena Markova

CIC President

Quote of the month:

“I love summertime more than anything else in the world. That is the only thing that gets me through the winter, knowing that summer is going to be there.” — Jack McBrayer